"Where Every Dog is a MasterPiece"

"Her steps are slower, her muzzle gray,
But our love never fades away.

Each passing year is a gift we two share,
This amazing love that's beyond compare."

It never seems fair that such wonderful, loving souls don't age alongside us. Yet, knowing this never stops us from welcoming them into our hearts and homes. We love our dogs with everything we have, even knowing their time with us is far too short.


Capturing those fleeting moments - whether from their playful puppy days or the gentle grace of their senior years is a joy and privilege for me. I find so much fulfilment in helping you preserve these memories with artwork that will warm your heart for a lifetime.


Perhaps you'll hang it over the cabinet they once chewed as a puppy. You were so upset at the time, but now those tiny teeth marks hold years of memories. And if given a chance, you'd let them chew it again - just to relive those beautiful, messy moments.












Let's create Artwork with those Beautiful Memories

Your Photographer - "Jo"



Years ago, I lost the furry love of my life, Monty. He was the sweetest Border Collie Shepherd cross—smart as a whip. We called him "Monty the Wonderdog" because that’s exactly what he was to us.


When my girls were nearly grown, I began learning photography, but unfortunately, it was at the same time that Monty was nearing the end of his life. I didn’t yet have the skills to capture the moments with him that I can now. Most of our photos of him were just cell phone shots, not suitable for large artwork. Over the years, many of those photos were lost to changing phones, computer crashes, hard drive failures, and most recently, when my Facebook account was hacked and deleted, taking with it the last videos I had of my precious pup. I shed many tears over losing those memories.


Let's work together to create beautiful artwork pieces your pet knowing you'll have tangible lasting memories to enjoy for years to come.

The Process


You'll complete the contact form on
my website. We'll talk about what type of session
you are looking for and I'll want to know more
about your pet.

We'll also discuss what you are
interested in terms of artwork.

We'll book the session location and dates.

And I'll email you out your session invoice and all the information you'll need



We'll meet up for your session at our pre-determined
time and location.

Most sessions except for the Limited Edition sessions
run an hour to an hour and a half. I always take
the time necessary to capture those beautiful images
you're looking for.

Dogs quicky learn when they've done a great job of
posing as there are often lots of cheers and treats involved.
It turns out getting your photo taken can be a heck
of a lot of fun!



Once your photos are ready we'll set up a viewing (through zoom) and ordering session! This is exciting
as it's the first time you'll see the images we
captured - bring Kleenex!

Once we've determined what artwork you will be
ordering I'll finialize each image and they'll be sent
to the lab.

Your artwork typically takes and few weeks and
I'll call you to let you know when it's ready to be delivered!

This is such an exciting day!

Kind Words

"Absolutely incredible experience. Very understanding and emphatic. Knows how to read animals and
lets them have breaks when needed.

If anyone is on the fence about booking a session I promise you won't regret it!" 2024 K
"I can't say enough about Your Dog's Photographer. Joanne is not only amazing to work with, she is very talented.

Her ability to capture a dog's spirit is uncanny. I would highly recommend her for getting lasting memories of your pet." 2024 LC
"Love Joanne's work! Incredible photographer that takes the time to ensure she has just the right shot.

Such a treasure to have these incredible shots of my beautiful mare "Star" who passed over rainbow bridge and my Bailey." 2024 AJ