Legacy Session Clients Are Always A Priority
Losing our pet can be so heartbreaking. I lost my Monty when he was 15. I didn't even really understand the depth of the pain I was about to experience - it was shocking. He was the best boy ever.

Unfortunately it had been a while since we had taken photos, and I wasn't doing professional work at the time so I didn't have photos that could be transformed into wall art.

The little red fox was Monty's favorite toy, the other two were close contenders. I slept with the little fox for three months before I could finally put in on my bed stand.

I really wanted some artwork to honour my boy, so I decided to create a series three photos of his favorite toys as a reminder of the love and connection we shared.

We offer this type of photography session along with our other work.

You would really like to have photo taken with your pet, but you are uncomfortable being photographed.
I understand that, and I can help create beautiful photos of you and your pet while respecting your feelings about being in front of the camera.
Don't worry if your dog if your dog can't be off-leash. Almost all the dogs I photograph wear leashes. Many are dog-reactive, so we choose locations where we’re less likely to encounter other dogs.
Is your dog shy and nervous? No problem. I take my time to ensure your dog feels comfortable. I introduce my camera gradually, allowing your dog to sniff it and even take treats from it. If I use a flash, I make it a positive experience by pairing the flash with treats. For particularly anxious dogs, I use a long lens to maintain distance and keep them at ease.