Facebook Suspended My Accounts – I Think I was Hacked.

As a pet photographer, I genuinely believe in the importance of having artwork of your beloved pets displayed in your home. These tangible pieces become priceless memories, whether it’s a framed photo, an album, or an acrylic block. I’m very grateful for the images that I have printed of my own family because, as of right now, they are gone from social media!

In our digital age, we often rely on social media to store our photos and run our businesses. This week, I was harshly reminded of what a big mistake this can be.

My Facebook accounts, personal, Your Dog’s Photographer and Your Dog’s Coach, holding 13 years of memories, were suspended due to “inappropriate content” which makes no sense to me. I’m still determining if I’ll get them back. My accounts were removed despite my appeals, possibly due to a hack. They said it was based on information from an Instagram account I’d never heard of before and is certainly not mine. I don’t know if they’ll reinstate them or not.

It’s heartbreaking and underscores the importance of physical copies of your cherished photos.

All my photos and videos of my dog-walking clients for 13 years are gone—there are no backups of those. I’m shattered. They weren’t just my clients; they were furry friends I loved dearly. My heart is broken. All the personal photos that I’ve posted of my family and my sweet Monty are gone. The images from “Your Dog’s Photographer” will all be recoverable as I have them on hard drives, which are externally backed up.

So, when you book a photo session, consider ordering a piece of tangible artwork of your pets. These pieces beautify your home and preserve the memories of your beloved pets for years to come. If social media fails you, you’ll still have that one piece of special artwork that captures the soul of your beloved furry friend.

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    The Girl With The Dog’s Fundraiser Was a Fantastic Event!

    Kudos to Vanessa and her team for pulling this together with such amazing fundraising results for Happy’s Place. Putting on an event like this takes months and months of planning and superb organizational skills—it looked seamless from my end, and I was so proud to be a part of the day’s festivities!

    This event raised over $40,000 for Happy’s Place. Those funds will help so many senior dogs in need, which is what this day was all about!
    Thank you so much for stopping by our tent! I truly hope you enjoy your photos. I loved being there and being able to do what I do best in terms of fundraising for Happy’s Place, by taking photos of amazing dogs!

    Two wonderful volunteers helped me set up, tear down, and be there throughout the day. Thank you so much for all your help!

    I hope you enjoy the photos! Don’t forget to use your coupons too if you have a desire for a private session! To find and download your photos follow this link to the gallery, you’ll be asked to enter your email address which will also add you to my mailing list so you’ll be advised of any special promotions coming up!


    Wienerfest 2024

    Welcome to my pet photography blog! If you’re here, we likely met at Wienerfest, and I’m thrilled you stopped by with your furry friend or friends! This year was a blast; meeting you and your amazing dogs was wonderful. Being a Pet Photographer is the best job in the world!

    Wienerfest 2024 photos are now ready for download! WhooHoo!! To get your photos please go to my gallery at the link I’ll put in here and you can down load your photos! Please let me know if I am missing anyone’s photos. I took a lot of them and try to be very careful, but after processing so many photos for so long it’s possible to miss posting one. Please let me know and I’ll add them to the slideshow as well to repost!


    I hope you enjoy the photos! Don’t forget to use your coupons too if you have a desire for a private session!

    Please call 519-494-4959 or email at info@yourdogsphotographer.com if you have any questions.

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      What is a Legacy Session?

      These pet photography sessions are specifically designed to capture the special bond between pets and their owners during the final stages of your pets lives. These sessions can focus on candid moments with you and your pet, showcasing the love and connection that define your relationship.

      They allow us to capture those special moments to create beautiful keepsakes such as custom photo albums, framed prints, or canvas wraps. These tangible items can serve as lasting reminders of your beloved pet and bring comfort in your time of grief.

      Pet Photography helps you tell the story of your pets’ lives through a series of images that capture their personality, quirks, and the joy they bring into your household. This narrative approach can be deeply therapeutic and celebrate your pet’s life.

      I understand this is a difficult time for pet owners, and I provide a supportive and compassionate environment. Through my decades of working closely with pets, both at a veterinary clinic, my dog-walking business, and, of course, my own pets, I know what it feels like to lose your best friend. During this session, we shed tears but also laughter and joy in celebrating the life of your beloved pet.

      We can customize the pet photography session to fit the needs and preferences of you and your pet. Whether in their favourite park, at home, or in another meaningful location, making the session personal will ensure the photos reflect the true essence of your pet’s life.

      These special pet photography sessions offer a source of solace and remembrance. The images we create together of your faithful companion help keep their spirit alive long after they’ve passed.

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        Pet Photography Artwork in Your Workplace!

        Pet portraits can bring a smile to everyone’s face and create a more enjoyable and relaxed atmosphere in the workplace. Employees love to see their beloved pets honored in the workplace as it can be hard for your staff to be away from their furry family. Seeing those sweet faces as beautiful pet photography portaits in the hallways of the office will help foster a better atmosphere in the office.

        Sharing pet portraits contributes to an employee’s sense of connection and feeling of belonging in the workplace. It provides a common topic for conversations, helping to build stronger interpersonal relationships and team cohesion.

        It’s been proven that looking at pet photography contributes to feelings of happiness. By featuring these portraits, you can help foster a more positive and well-being-focused work environment.

        Employees come from diverse backgrounds, and their pets can be very diverse as well.  Using pet photography showcasing a variety of pets can celebrate and embrace the unique and varied lives of our team members.

        Your Dog’s Photographer is happy to photograph any pets you have, from dog, cats, birds, reptiles to spiders! 

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          Shelter Dogs Have a Professional Photo Session

          I was invited, along with Andrea from K9 Ground Search – Elgin/Middlesex to visit Animal Care Centre – Lobo, to photograph some of their long-time resident dogs.

          As a professional pet photographer, it’s essential to approach dogs with sensitivity and respect for their boundaries while being able to read their body language. 

          We let all the dogs sniff around the room, tossed treats onto the paper, and cheered when they ate them. We let them smell my camera by holding treats on it. Once we were confident they were comfortable, we flashed the lights and then treated, flash, treat, flash, treat, just like clicker training—oh, they figured it out pretty quickly and enjoyed the experience.

          When we first started tossing treats at them, their faces were priceless. It took a few treats hitting them in the face before they realized, “Hey, these are yummy treats, and I can catch them!”

          It was evident that doing a treat toss would be a little too much and cause stress for a couple of the dogs. So, we slowed the process down, took more time, and focused on getting them used to the lights and backdrop paper to help them acclimate and feel more comfortable. Rather than do the treat toss or whipping cream, we opted for some simple portraits of them, which they were fine with.  

          The dogs truly shone. It’s unlikely they had ever experienced a professional dog photography session before, but once they realized there were treats and cheers awaiting them after each flash, they eagerly embraced the process. This enthusiastic response is a testament to their trusting, kind, fun-loving, and joyful nature, and I hope these photos capture that essence!

          I was so impressed by Lobo Animal Care Centre. The love and relationships between these dogs and Amanda and her team were so evident. These dogs live in a care centre while looking for their home, and while there, they learn what it means to be loved and love in return. 

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            The Love between Humans and Their Dogs

            As a dog photographer, I’m so fortunate to have the opportunity to pursue my passion for working with dogs. It also guarantees I work with people who feel the same way about their dogs.

            When working with dogs and their owners, I love to experience their relationship, watch their verbal and non-verbal communication, and see the joy in their shared companionship.

            Why do we love our dogs so much? For many of us, they provide that unconditional, non-judgemental love – they are so generous in how much love they give. As humans, we can be judgemental about other people. Dogs are not like that – it doesn’t matter what we look like, what kind of car we drive, or how much money is in our bank account; they accept us for who we are without prejudice.

            Dogs can be in tune with our feelings and sense when we are happy or sad. While they can’t tell us in words, they are good at using their body language to convey they feel we can do the same for them. I’ve read that petting, playing, and cuddling a dog releases oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and affection, in both the human and the dog. I believe this as I know how it makes me feel!

            When photographing dogs with their humans, I want to capture images reflecting this profound connection and the joy people share with their canine companions.

            Preserving those cherished memories for them with beautiful artwork they will treasure forever is a privilege.

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            • KarenFebruary 5, 2024 - 3:32 pm

              I absolutely adore how you capture the connection between dogs and their owners! The unconditional love of a dog is the best thing in the world. 

            • Jessica WasikFebruary 5, 2024 - 3:57 pm

              Wow, what a beautiful way to physically represent how so many of us feel about our dogs! It can be so hard to put into words how much dogs can impact our lives, but you did so beautifully.

            • RobynFebruary 9, 2024 - 3:14 am

              Showing that connection and love between a human and their pet is truly amazing. And these two examples showcase that idea beautifully!

            • MichelleFebruary 9, 2024 - 8:23 pm

              Our dog’s unconditional love is unmatched, isn’t it? So happy to have you in London to capture our furry friends in beautiful images, Joanne!

            • KatieMarch 12, 2024 - 12:44 am

              These are stunning, Joanne! You are so talented!!

            Making A Less Than Perfect Location Work!

            As a dog photographer, I’m always looking for perfect settings, considering factors like light and scenery. However, a unique circumstance arose when photographing an elderly dog with limited mobility. Despite initially planning to shoot in their yard, it didn’t meet my vision. I drove to the back parking lot of a medical building across the street. Drawn by glimpses of ornamental grasses and some beautiful light I hoped we could make that location work. The owners agreed to drive the dog across the street.

            I had to quickly come up with a plan and ended up doing a speedy session in the parking lot’s island area with small evergreen trees and mulched ground. I was concerned about the outcome as I wanted to provide the owners with images they’d love. And it worked out; the charm of the senior dog and some Photoshop creativity turned the parking lot into a convincing forest setting, resulting in some beautiful artwork for the owners.

            I had another photo session at our local university – I love shooting there. I had images I was pleased with, but I was still missing one, commonly called the “Soul Searcher”. This is a photo where you have the dog look straight into the camera and focus on their eyes. It’s nice to do a shot like this surrounded by flowers or greenery. I was initially going to photograph this sweetie in a bed of tulips, but she was so small, and the flowers were too tall.

            We were heading out of the parking lot when I noticed some pretty purple flowers planted around the parking attendant’s booth. We put her in there, and by working my angles, I created an adorable photo that her mom loved. You’d never guess she was sitting in a tiny patch of flowers in the middle of a parking lot.

            In both sessions, the situations were different from what I had in mind, and the location could have been better, but it’s amazing what you can achieve in a less-than-perfect setting when you open your mind to the possibilities.

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            • MichelleJanuary 30, 2024 - 2:02 pm

              Wow Joanne, What beautiful images you were able to get in an imperfect location! SW Ontario is really lucky to have a pet photographer that can think on her feet! 🙂

            • Jessica WasikJanuary 30, 2024 - 5:14 pm

              I love how you can take a seemingly average and “imperfect” location and transform it into beautiful artwork of dogs! Now, that’s the sign of an exceptional dog photographer!

            • Karen BartosFebruary 1, 2024 - 7:26 pm

              I love how you shared some behind the scenes moments to creat the perfect artwork. I’m sure these pet owners will be thrilled to have worked with you as their dog photographer!

            • DonnaFebruary 1, 2024 - 10:49 pm


            2023 Festive Season Photos

            We had a a great turn-out for our festive season photoshoot and were able to raise over $1000 for Happy’s Place!

            Many thanks to my friend Linda who volunteered to help for the day – both Happy’s Place and I appreciated all of her hard work!

            Wienerfest 2023 The Year of the Wienermobile

            I’ve volunteered for Wienerfest for many, many years! This year I was asked if I could be in charge of doing photos of dogs in the Wienermobile – how could I possibly say no!

            I decided to do things a little differently and I moved inside the building so I could control the light, I created a cute but simple setting to best show-case the Wienermobile.

            It was a big success and I ended up photographing about 60 dogs and raised $600 for Wienerfest. Many thanks to everyone who came out and supported the cause. And many thanks to the sweet pups who allowed themselves to be placed into the Wienermobile and smiled for my camera!